Friday, April 7, 2017

Mentor Interview 

Cherry McCabe is a 54 year old former lawyer and professor at Simpson University.  She currently teaches political science and serves as Department Chair and Faculty Present-Elect.  She has lived in Redding much of her life and has seen the first hand results of drug addiction in Shasta County.  She enjoys the outdoors and loves traveling around the world.  At her job, she advises a number of students in their education and future plans and she has agreed to mentor me throughout this particular project. 

Question 1:  How long have you lived in Redding California?

Answer 1:  “52 years.” 

Question 2:  What is your favorite thing about Redding?

Answer 2:  “The surrounding mountains.” 

Question 3:  What is your least favorite thing about Redding?

Answer 3:  “The lack of social services, such as no counseling for those struggling with addiction or mental health issues.” 

Question 4: How do you plan on assisting me throughout this project as my mentor?

Answer 4:  “The first thing I plan on doing is discussing ideas in length and brainstorming about your goals for this project.  Secondly I plan to follow your blog, and check in at least twice a week on the progress of your blog as well as your project. Lastly I will try to use connections in the community to help you make appointments for interviews with people.” 

Question 5:  Have you even met someone who has a history of opioid use?
Answer 5:  “Possibly, but it is not something that people usually talk about.  Although I have known a couple family member who seemed to enjoy prescription painkillers a little bit too much.” 

Questions 6:  What do you see as the most harmful drug?

Answer 6:  “Heroin because it seems so common, easy to get, and easy to overdose on.” 

Question 7:  In your opinion, what is the most harmful effect of opioid use?

Answer 7:  “Unfortunately it takes people out of mainstream society by isolating them in a world with a temporary false high, followed by shame and loss. That loss includes the opportunity to pursue their potential or future dreams, to create, to feel as though they make a contribution to society, and often the loss of relationships. It seems to make people’s lives spiral out of control.” 

Question 8:  From a personal standpoint, do you feel that painkillers are over-prescribed?

Answer 8:  “I believe they are. In America, we are very quick to expect a pill as a simple solution to any and all problems. In reality, sometimes pain is simply your body's way of telling you that you need to rest or do something differently to allow healing. I have also seen statistics that show patients build up a tolerance to these opioids, so they quickly lose their effectiveness as pain relievers”. 

Question 9:  Are there any situations in which non-recreational prescription pill use is justified?

Answer 9:  “Yes, modern medicine has done a lot of good and there are times in which prescriptions are very helpful, but anything addictive should be closely monitored by a doctor."

Question 10: What would you do if someone you knew was addicted to prescription pain pills/ street opiates?

Answer 10:  “I would help them enter a treatment program and do anything possible to support and encourage them to get and stay clean and sober”.


  1. You make it clear how your mentor will help you with your project which is great, and include just enough information about them that people understand who they are.

  2. Good interview Will. It sounds like you picked the right mentor for this project and that she will help keep you focused. It is also evident that this is an issue that is important to her.

  3. The thing I love about this interview is that your mentor seems to know a lot about your goal and seems very committed. You definitely chose a great mentor.

  4. Your mentor seems to me like a great choice for your project. It was cool to read that she will be checking up on your blog regularly. I'm excited to see where this project goes

  5. The way you conducted your interview is very well done, and your questions are well worded. You also picked a great mentor. I'm looking forward to seeing how your project unfolds. :)

  6. Your story is very easy to read and you don't lose your interest
